Lets see...updates on my life since I last wrote anything...
I managed to get rid of my assistant Gilmer. He wasn't happy working for me and it was starting to effect his job. I don't blame him. Believe me...it's hard working for an asshole like me. I'm incredibly demanding. That's okay. I've gone through three assistants this year. I've pretty much had to do this job by myself for almost 6 years. What's another 6 years by myself?
Lets see...
I did manage to break away from the office and finally see Quantum of Solace. I'm still not too sure how I feel about the movie. I did like Casino Royale better. The action sequences in Quantum were great, but I think the movie as a whole was lacking something (and, I still don't know what that item is).
Lets see...
I've had to kick Johnny in the ass about a hundred times for being disruptive at school and lying to his mother. I don't know what the hell is wrong with that kid. He's so smart and has a great sense of humor. And, he's a good person. Why is it that he feels he should lie to Mommy about the things he does? Maybe he thinks that he will get in big trouble? I've explained to him over and over again that if he just tells the truth, sure he'll get in trouble, but not as bad as it will be if he lies about it. He's currently being grounded (again) and has lost his imaginary friend.
Lets see...
Thanksgiving was okay. We really never do much. We spent most of the afternoon with Kelly's family. Not much more to speak of.
Lets see...
Work, work, and more work. Now that the end of the year is coming to a close, I have report after report to run before our last set of meetings in Las Vegas. No date has been set yet, but I think it will be sometime this month. Not looking forward to that.
Well, hell...better get back to work. Today is the 3rd of December and I haven't even closed out my November logs. What a pain in the ass. What a ton of work.