Monday, July 14, 2008

My New B.F.F.

Kelly's cousin Charlie is visiting his family in Salida, Colorado for two weeks so we decided to pack up the family and take a little road trip. We haven't seen Charlie in over two years (Nick's wedding). Charlie is in the Air Force and stationed in Louisiana. He is married to a wonderful woman named Mollie and they have a 14 month old son, Jackson. Although it was nice to see Charlie, I was more interested in seeing Mollie. I find the gal absolutely fascinating. I read her blog every day before I head off to work. Here are a few facts about Mollie:

* Has a Master's Degree in Hermeneutics and Theology from Regent University
* Lists "Well-timed Profanity" as an Interest
* Employed as a writer for the Shreveport Times
* Amateur Photographer
* Although educated, lists Zoolander as one of her favorite movies (hated it)
* Considers coffee a multi-vitamin (gal after my own heart)
* Die-hard Drugstore-Gamer
* Just purchased Gorillas in the Mist at some bookstore in Salida
* Author of my favorite site

Mollie, I find full of life and enthusiasm. Her attitude is infectious. Plus, I dig smart chicks. One of these days, we'll make our way to Louisiana to visit Charlie and Mollie. Kelly's never been there and I was too drunk to remember any of the state (1995 is a blur).

We spent the day hanging out at Uncle Charle's house, went to the park, walked down Main Street, and watched the kayakers in the Arkansas River. We all enjoyed ourselves and each other's company. Johnny had a lot of fun down on the river, but overall, thought the day was just "okay". Robert doesn't get to see his family often, so I imagine he enjoyed himself.

Well, shit...I just realized what time it was and I really need to get ready for work.

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