Saturday, July 26, 2008

What a Long Weekend

Okay...Now that the weekend is over and done with, I can get back to daily life. What a long weekend it was. My weekend started on Thursday and ran all the way through Monday night. We'll go through this day by day.


The Losers
Kelly decided to take the day off and spend it with the boys. So, we called up Johnny's cousin Austin to fit in a quick game of golf. Kelly and Austin decided that they, in their pursuit of golf superiority, would take on Johnny and I. Collectively, Austin and Kelly have played golf a total of 7 times. Sure, Austin and Kelly play well enough...if they were playing against blind midgets. Johnny and I decided that our team name would be "The Winners". This name I thought would be fitting, since we were going to kick the holy crap out of them. So, with that said, we aptly named Kelly and Austin's team "The Losers". When in fact, we should have named them "We Got our Asses Kicked so Bad and Cried Like big Wusses!". Through the first two holes, Johnny and I allowed them to stay within 3 strokes. After we arrived at the third tee-box, Johnny and I rolled up our sleeves and let loose. 3 strokes by 2, 21 strokes by 9. Holy crap. I was embarrassed for them. I mean, there were people watching! What will the neighbors think?

Kelly actually missed the putt

Thank you to the fine folks of Chipeta Golf Course for providing the box of Band-Aids for Kelly and Austin's massive ass kicking.

Austin driving the ball on #2

After the blood bath, Kelly and I treated the boys to Fiesta for dinner.

Johnny and Austin at Fiesta

I really can't stand Mexican Food


Mike and Becky Porter...the newlyweds

I have to cover Matt's job for the next two days, as well as worry about coverage on the floor and my own job. Again, I am stuck with my job and everyone else's. Some people say it's confidence in my ability to assist in other departments...I call it a curse. When I was hired, I was trained in every aspect of day-to-day operations of this company. I am able to fill in for every department. If Mark's gone, I can place orders. If Matt's gone, I can pencil the desk. If Scott or Seth's gone, I can cover the Finance Office. That's not fair for me to complain. This company has been very good to me and my family. I've said it once before and I will say it again...that's why they pay me the big bucks.


I would get in the office right at 6:30AM and hope that I can get out of here by 6:00PM. Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw me get out of the office on time? I would leave the office at 7:45PM, just to miss the entire wedding. We stuck around the reception for about an hour. Seth, Gilmer and I (wives included) would end up at Dolce Vita at 8:30PM and close the place down.

Before we were kicked out

Karen and Kelly
Krissy, our waitress

We had a lot of fun. Just to start all over again on Monday.

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