Saturday, August 30, 2008

Welcome to the World

I'd like to welcome Baby Zoe to the world. We're very please that you could join us.

Zoe Mary Clingman was born on August 30, 2008 at 3:53AM. She weighed 6 pounds and 7.9 ounces.

Uncie John and Zoe...she's a cutie.

After a nice bath

Smiling at Uncie John

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday Golf with Johnny

Another great day of golf. As promised, as long as Johnny cleaned his room, I would take him golfing. We played 18 at Chipeta and had a great time. Johnny's game was a little off and he had a hard time from the tee-box.

I'll tell you what, the boy can still put and his chip-shot will rival most golfers. I tell him all time...If you can putt and chip, you'll always win games.

Grandpa tagged along, although he probably should have stayed at home. He's been feeling pretty shitty lately. Kelly's convinced he has a summer cold/flu, but Robert's pretty sure that it's a sinus infection. This illness didn't seem to hinder his golf game. Matter of fact, Robert beat me by 5 strokes (one of the worst games I've played in a long time. was fun. I hate to lose, but had fun nonetheless. Hopefully the weather will hold up on Thursday so I can play again. And, of course, there's always Sunday. Maybe Kelly will come along this time?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Speaking of Grizzly Man

The Reunion

My BFF Mollie posted this video on her space and I was just blown away. I had never seen the video and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I. Grizzly Man should have befriended lions.

Computer's Acting Funny

My computer is acting funny this morning, so I'm posting via Blackberry.

Kelly and Johnny are at breakfast with her parents. They normally meet every Sunday. This is my opportunity to rest, get some work done, and run my Sunday reports.

Sunday Calender:

1. Let the dogs out and went back to bed (3:37am)
2. Woke up and sat outside with Kelly. We drank coffee on the porch, while the dogs ate their piggy ears.
3. Kelly left for breakfast at 8:00am. Johnny stayed the night at grandma and grandpa's. They're eating at Pufferbelly's. This is their Sunday ritual.
4. Ran my Sunday morning reports for my staff and typed a quick e-mail to Pat Hernandez (my lap-top crapped out, so I hope Pat received my e-mail).
5. Johnny has to clean his room. He's been grounded for the last ten days, so if he does a good job, I'll take him golfing with me today. Kelly and I decided ten days of being grounded was enough for a 6 year old.
6. Kelly and Sissy Kelly are supposed to meet for Lunch and run to Sam's Club. We need dog food and other odds-and-ends.
7. Laundry!!!
8. Loaf on the couch and maybe get in a quick nap.
9. Build on-line ads for Jacob and Saturn.
10. Prepare notes for Monday morning Manager Meeting.
11. I'm sure something else will come up.

My memory is getting pretty bad these days. If I don't build a calender, I tend to forget everything I need to do.

I do need to write my father an e-mail and try to pin-point when he's visiting. I haven't used any vacation this year, so I plan to take some time off to get in some fishing while he's in town. I haven't seen my father in a year and 4 months. I miss him.

Well, shit...time to try jump-starting my lap-top again. I think my calender is going to have to add "buy new lap-top". Yet another expense, in a time when we're trying to cut them down to a minimum. GM's down 9.5 bollion dollars for the year...what's another $1,000?

Have a good day, sports fans.

Photos of Johnny's major ass-kicking in golf to come later today.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I've had a lot of influences in my lifetime. Some of these influences would mold me into the person I am today. My stubbornness comes from my father. No argument about that. Maybe my ability to "rock the boat" comes from him, too. Who knows? A large part of Me was shaped by my father. I get an awful lot from him. Maybe too much?

In an earlier post, I had mentioned that I had received an e-mail from my Drama/Speech teacher. I had also mentioned the name "Pat Hernandez" as being an influence in my life. Before I send her a quick e-mail, I figured I would tell you all about her.

Pat Hernandez molded my spiritual person. She was (is) very religious. There's nothing wrong with that. I, myself, am not a very religious person. Agnostic? Probably so. But, religious? Probably not. I do pray every night. This might be surprising to most of you. To whom, I do not know. I don't start my prayers, "Dear God...". If anything, my prayers are largely daily affirmations.

Back to Pat Hernandez...

Pat Hernandez taught Art and English at MacArthur High School. She has a very special place in my heart. To this day, as mentioned above, I do believe that I am the person today partly because of her. She had a difficult task in molding the lives of young people. Don't get me wrong...some of the students loved her classes. I did. Most of her students hated them. Who gives a shit about Walden and a blade of grass? Quite honestly, poetry bores me to death. However, to this day, one of my favorite books is one that Pat encouraged me to read. For you learned folk out there, I'll give you a hint:

A man, possessed by greed, will give up everything to have something that he would eventually throw back into the sea. The book is about greed and how it will destroy you. The protagonist (Kino) will give up his wife (Juana). His child (some Spanish kid) will be killed. His life will be destroyed. And, all for a obsidion-colored item that will garner him nothing. Any ideas? John Steinbeck would write this novel in 1947. This book will rank #2 in my All-Time Favorites.

(My #1 novel of all-time will take place in Dresdan, Germany. John Erwin, my father, and Kelly will figure this one out)

Back to Pat Hernandez...

I would learn to master the art of Silk-Screening from Pat Hernandez. Sure, some t-shirt shops use this technology...but this Art would eventually lead me to where I am today. This Art would land me my first real job. All of the hours that Pat and I would spend under the stairs, burning a screen, would lead me to a career twenty years later. Sounds silly, huh?

At the back of the MHS's Art room would be a cubby under the stairs. This cubby would measure maybe 4 foot wide and 8 foot long. We would pour the emulsion and turn on the ultra-violet light, crossing our fingers that we could draw a squeegee across the screen. 12 minutes later, we would try it out. I bet I was under the stairs with Pat for over a 1,000 in three years time! Under the stairs (and, waiting for the emulsion to dry), we would talk about life and God. Is there a God? Pat believed so. She believed wholeheartedly. I'm not sure if it's name is God, but I believe there is something out there. She would devout so much energy into her beliefs that there must be something out there. Why else would she believe? Maybe there is. Or, maybe there isn't. A lot of kids would think she was a crack-pot. I loved Pat and would hang on every word that she said.

I've learned one thing in my 36 years of life and that is that you must strive to be a good person. Jesus Christ did. Now, I'm not too sure if he was a real man, but he tried to be a good person and he believed that you should do unto others as you would want them to do unto to you (a book would be written about him). This much is common sense. His philosophy is easy to understand and comprehend. You don't have to be religious to understand this. I strive very hard to be a good person every day.

I am not a religious person. Although I've read the Bible, I do believe it is all "stories" and nothing more. The teachings of Jesus are what a person should strive for. You don't have to give him credit. Nobody will fault you. Whether you know his name or not, the Golden Rule is a good rule to live by.

Back to Pat Hernandez...

Pat Hernandez wanted her students to live by this Rule. She preached It every day. Pat wouldn't always mention His name, but she preached it and lived by it. She's a good person. We should all be strive to be good people. We should strive to help one another out. Lend a helping hand, so to speak...without any thought of receiving anything in return. This is very hard to do. I should know. I can be a real asshole sometime. I can be incredibly generous, too. Not very often, but I can. I have.

Pat also taught Shakespeare. Lesson learned: Don't trust anyone named Brute'. Or, Marcus or Brutus, for that matter. And, never trust the Roman Council! They're all back-stabbers!

Welcome to JWOMP, Mrs. Hernandez. We welcome you with open arms and a open heart.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Why not another?

Well, hell...if not one video, why not another. This is Johnny's 2007 Year in Review. Enjoy.

The Lucky Duck

Johnny and I normally produce our newsletter on a monthly basis. However, this year has been a stretch to get one out. The video is so time consuming. Not only is it hard to come up with enough material to fill 7-10 minutes, but the editing takes forever! The video above took two whole weeks to edit down from over two hours to 7.5 minutes. But, alas, we're still pounding away to get another one out by Christmas. Until then...

Congrats Michael Phelps

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Day Without Golf

Well, hell...I'm pretty bummed that Johnny has been a little shit-head lately. Because he's being punished and can't play outside, that meant there was no Sunday golf. So, in rememberence of my golfing days, here are a few photos of days gone by. Enjoy.

A Blast from the Past

Why, good evening, Sports Fans!

I received a jolt of excitement this evening when I learned that I had mail in my MySpace account. Guess who sent me a short note?

Mrs. Dirickson from MacArthur High School. Who would have thunk it?

For those of you not familiar with Mrs. Dirickson, you have to understand that she molded the minds and personalities of half of the people reading this. For those of you who do know Mrs. D, I have to imagine that you agree with me. The last two years of high school would have been a complete hell if it weren't for her classes. Mrs. Dirickson was one of three individuals that would mold me into the fine young man that I would become (Pat Hernandez and John Erwin would be the other two).

Well, damn it! With this new re-acquaintance, I'm going to have to drag out the old photo albums to post photographs again.

Anyway...more to come tomorrow. Johnny starts 1st grade tomorrow, so I'm sure that I'll have plenty to write in the morning. Plus, it's another dreaded Monday morning and I'm running the show. Thank God I wasn't invited to attend the August Composite Meetings! I feel sorry for Clint...I'm more than certain he'll get his shit kicked in...again.

Friday, August 15, 2008

New Photos

Sorry, Folks...I've been absolutely swamped with work, so no time write. So, here are a few new photographs for you to enjoy.

Sister Tammie

Traffic into Denver

Mommy and Johnny on the Spider

Mommy and Johnny again

Johnny and Mommy on the Thunder Bolt

Fruit Loops...Breakfast of Champions


Chicken Noodle does a body good

The Wampler Family on the Tilt-a-Whirl

Soak and Wet

Holy Crap! Click on the'll see that Kelly and Johnny are up front

Tiger Woods: Now 100% Black

He's Rick James, Bitch!

Week in Review

Thursday, August 14, 2008

John, Juanita, Grandma, and That Damn Dog

Good morning, Folks --

It's been a few days since I last wrote anything. I've been out of town and still trying to play catch up. Leaving work for a few days, although refreshing, is a headache upon return.

Some of you may know, Kelly and I took Johnny to Denver for a few days before school starts. For those of you reading my mobile journal on Facebook, you know that I absolutely hated it! I was completely miserable for the entire trip. Don't get me had nothing to do with getting out of town. Johnny was impossible!


Johnny is now 6 years old and stands right 52 inches tall. This is the minimum height requirement for all of the "Big Boy" rides at Elitch Gardens. Well, now that Johnny is a "Big Boy", why not ride the "Big Boy" rides? He's been looking forward to this trip now for three weeks. In a nut-shell, he whined and cried the entire trip. Every ride scared him. Even the small ones! Other than the fact that I had the opportunity to see Sister Tammie and Cody, this trip was a complete waste of $500!

Note to self: Do not plan another trip like this without Austin or Robert.

Walking into the office on Tuesday was a nightmare. I left Gilmer a list of work that needed to get done while I was gone. I was relying on him to get this list of To-Do's done so I wouldn't have to return to a mountain of shit. Can you believe it? Not a fucking item was completed! So, what to do? What to do? It was my intention to fire him yesterday, but decided against it. I had a very long discussion with him yesterday and made it very clear that if things don't change (and, fast) that he's going to have to find another career. I did this job for six years by myself and I can do it again. I don't want to, but I will. So, as usual, I went in to the office at 7:15AM yesterday only to get home at 9:00PM. Another day. Another dollar.

Now, I did receive a photograph in my In-Box that made my day. My old friend Samantha Miller had posted a photograph in her MySpace that she had taken a little over a year ago at her Grandmother's house. In March of 2007, Samantha's Aunt Deanna had passed away. Without hesitation, I boarded a plane back to Oklahoma to attend the funeral and help out her family. You have to remember, Samantha's family is like my very own. These are people that opened their home to me and treated me like I was their own blood.

I still speak to Samantha's mother quite least once a month. Although our relationship started off a little rocky, it would eventually evolve into a mother-son relationship. To this day, I still love her as if she were my very own mother. Juanita Brown is her name. She has been widowed twice now. I knew her when she was still married to Joe Miller and General Charles P. Brown. Both men are now dead. Juanita now lives on her own in General Brown's home.

Juanita Miller is a wonderful woman. She's a holy-roller, but I don't fault her for her beliefs. I find a little comical. She's the only person I've ever met that has a birthday party on Christmas Day for Jesus Christ. She's very active with her church, attending twice on Sunday and a visit on Wednesday. "John, has you found a nice church for your family yet," she asks me on every phone call.

Grandma, or Willie as she's known by her friends, is about to celebrate her 98th birthday. God love the woman. She's a hoot and strong as a ox. You'd think she was only twenty-one. So full of life and love. Also a holy-roller. Again, I do not fault her in her beliefs.

I will love the two of these women for as long as I live.

Thursday Update:

Johnny and I will be spending the day at home. He's been a pretty bad boy for the last 48 hours. Mommy finally lost her cool last night and went crazy. I did, too. Until last night, I bet it's been at least three years since Johnny received a spanking. Kids will be kids. Being disrespectful to his mother or grandmother will not be tolerated. So, because of last night's actions, Johnny will be spending the day cleaning his toys and room. No playing. No golf. No Banana's.

Kelly's taking it pretty hard. I understand that she's upset and frustrated. Being a mommy isn't easy. And, me being away from home so often doesn't help her situation either. So, needless to say, I will be getting some much-needed yard work done.

Here's my itinerary for the day:

Yard Work
Oil Change for Kelly's Car
Hair Cut at 2:30PM
More Yard Work

Have a wonderful day.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Matt Damon

I've been watching the Bourne Series, so I found this funny. Enjoy.

Welcome Out-of-Towners II

I had mentioned on July 22 that I had no photograph of an old friend of mine Shannon Zura. My sister Tammie had read this comment and dug up a few for me to post here.

If I remember correctly, Tammie was visiting me while I was attending college in Oklahoma. She was currently in high school and taking a photography class. Tammie had taken these two photographs and developed the film herself. I have an over-exposed copy of Photograph #1.

In this photograph are Bert Ballou, Shannon Zura, and Tammie is up front. I was living with Bert Ballou at the time. This photograph would have been taken in 1995. I had just returned from BTF and the Drama League. Bert had a nice condo. Besides Bert and I, we also had Tanja Rice and some other chick living with us (I can't remember her name). I'm not too sure what ever happened to Bert Ballou. I've tried looking him up on MySpace and Facebook, with no results. The last I heard of Bert, he was working for some theatre in Oklahoma City. So, with that said, if anyone reading this knows of his whereabouts, please let me know. I'd love to get in touch with him.

Shannon Zura and Bert Ballou 1995

Shannon Zura, as you all very well know, currently works at the University of Southern Maine as a professor of Stage/Lighting design. Shannon's a great least she used to be. I have to imagine she still is. Shannon was as genuine as anyone could be. No frills. No bull-shit. What you see is what you get. Shannon and I attended college together. We studied Theatre Arts together.


Reggie Choquette is moving to Las Vegas this weekend. I am so excited! I haven't seen Reg since 1994 when he visited me while I was working for the Drama League. We've stayed in touch over the years (off and on). Now that he's only going to be 7 hours away, we will be sure to see each other again. Plus, going to visit Las Vegas is a great excuse to take off and see him. I love Las Vegas! I'm not too sure what he's doing in Las Vegas. I have to imagine that he found employment at one of the casinos. He's been working as a black jack dealer in Tennessee for the last year or so.

Well, we're off to Elitch Gardens tomorrow. And, like all of the years past, it will rain this weekend.


Kelly and I have been taking Johnny to Elitch Gardens for the last six years and every year that we take him, it rains.

Johnny's first trip to Elitch Gardens

Elitch Gardens is part of the Six Flags' chain. I'm not too fond of the crowds, but I do enjoy the rides. This year will be different. The minimum height requirement for most of the rides is 48". This year, Johnny will be able to ride all but one ride (he's now 52" tall!). He's so excited that he can hardly contain himself! This reminds me of an incident when we last visited New York. Johnny was so excited to visit the Empire State Building, and after standing in line for 2 hours, once we got to the top he just broke down crying with joy. Poor kid. I'll make sure to post plenty of photographs from our trip.

This is a pretty short trip that we're taking. Just two days. We plan on spending Sunday at Elitch Gardens, with day 2 at the Water Park. This all depends on the weather. Who knows? Because of the weather, we may end up at the Natural History Museum or Denver Art Museum. Barb Brady was able to score me a sweet deal at the Staybridge Suites ($159 for $300 suites), so there will be no need for us to stay with Sister Tammie, although we will end up visiting. Kelly's never seen Tammie and Cody's new house or hard-wood floors. Tammie doesn't live too far from Park Meadows, so I'm sure we'll go over and raid the fridge.

Anyway...Time to start getting for work. The A-Team is attending Kent Bozarth's wedding this weekend, so I'm running the show today. Oy...

The Week in Review

Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday Afternoon

Another day. Another dollar. That's what they say. Who "they" are, I'm not too sure.

Unlike most of the American working population, I can't stand Friday. For me, "TGIF" has no meaning. Between meetings and phone calls, Friday is normally my busiest day of the week. Plus, Friday is usually a downer because I had the opportunity to relax on Thursday...although I'm not too sure if "relax" is the right word. If anything, Thursday means that I don't have to wear a shirt & tie and I can work half the day from my kitchen table. Although I am officially off on Thursdays, I spend the majority of the day working.

Notice all of the quotation marks in the top two paragraphs?

I make the comments above with yesterday not being a typical Thursday. I really did spend the majority of the day relaxing. Here's how my day went:

After taking Kelly to work, Johnny and I spent a couple of hours at the office. I had a few odds-and-ends that I had to get done, although I should have finished them on Wednesday. Afterwards, Johnny and I would head home to enjoy a quick movie. We watched The Empire Strikes Back for the 250th time.

After the movie, Johnny and I would enjoy lunch at Weaver's Tavern. Johnny had the Soup & Salad and I would have my norm (Hot Turkey Sandwich with Cheddar). The lunch, as usual, was excellent. I've been eating lunch at Weaver's for about seven years now. They make the best burger in town!

After lunch, we spent two hours at Banana's Fun Park playing video games. It's incredible how much money one can spend with a 6-year old kid. Take Socom 7...The game takes 3 quarters to start, with each continuation costing another $0.75. Between the two of us, that's a $1.50 just to play. Now I've been playing video games all of my life so I've become quite good over the years.


Through 4 levels of Socom 7, I will spend a total $2.25 to win. With Johnny playing, our total bill to finish the game is upwards $10.00. Plus, with all of the other games that he chooses to play, a couple of hours at Banana's is a $40.00! The kid either needs to get better at video games or he needs to get a job to support his activities. Don't let me get started on Chucky Cheese (Where a Kid can be a Kid and suck their parents dry!).

After the video games, Johnny and I would spend yet another lazy afternoon at home watching yet another episode of Star Wars. This second time around we watched The Phantom Menace. I took a cat-nap on the couch while Johnny played alongside the movie, blasting invisible bad guys.

Kelly got off work at 5:00PM. After navigating through all of the construction in downtown, Kelly jumped into the car and we went to dinner. Red Robin normally hits the spot, but this time around, it just didn't do it for me. I always order the same thing...5-Alarm Burger with Fries. For the first time in 4 years, I left Red Robin unsatisfied. What the hell is wrong with me? Maybe I need to expand my meal-horizons....

I'm pretty predictable in my meal choices. Half of the time, when we go out to eat, I don't even have to order! The waitress already knows what I plan on eating. Here's my menu choices for our "regulars":

Dos Hombres - Dos Cheese Burger with Fries
Red Robin - 5-Alarm Burger
Fiesta Guadalajara - Pescado Derado
WW Peppers - Sirloin (Rare) with Baked Potato
Texas Roadhouse - Sirloin (Rare) with Baked Potato
Pufferbelly's - Biscuit Supreme
Crystal Cafe - Eggs Benedict
Weaver's Tavern - Hot Turkey Sandwich
Suihiro's - Sushi Boat, with Dragon Roll and Dynamite Shrimp
Chili's - Mushroom Swiss Burger

In most cases, by the time I arrive, the waiter/waitress has already placed my order, including drink. We frequent all of the above establishments on a regular basis. The waitstaff know us and we know them. Hell, at Fiesta Guadalajara, the owner comes out and sits with us! We really need to start eating at home more often.

Well, shit...Sissy Kelly just walked in so I'm going to chat with her.

Talk at ya' later.

Best of Stewie

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Don't Fear the Reaper

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Paris Hilton responds to McCain

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

David Gregory - Killing Time

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Don't Like It? Don't Read It.

I've thought long and hard about today's post. Should I offend or should I be sensitive to other's feelings.

It has come to my attention that this little site has managed to piss off a few of you readers. No reason to mention names. For those of you not familiar with what I'm talking about, let me give you the scenario. I recently sent a link to The Lucky Duck to several people, which Johnny had posted this blog as a favorite. Some of you chose to start reading, not knowing what to expect. And, Bam! Right there, for the whole world to read and see, were my thoughts, feelings, pics, and movies. Some nice and some not nice at all.


I have never claimed to be likable. I have never claimed to be nice. I have never claimed to be funny or clever. I will be the first to admit that most people think I am an asshole, as well as conceited and a snob. I am smarter than the average Joe and better looking than the folks that live under the bridge. I smoke too much. I drink too much. And, I have a horrible addiction to caffeine. Get the picture?

Lets do us all a favor. If you are at all offended at what I have to say or write in this blog, go over to your "Favorites" tab and delete JWOMP. It's that simple. That's the beauty of being able to make your own decisions (for those of you who can). So, you can either choose to read this or choose not to read this. It is that simple.

For those of you who care, I hope you have a nice day. For those of you who don't, well, kiss my ass. Oh...I hope you have a nice day, too.

The Race Genie

Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday Morning

Well, it's another busy Monday. I started work a little late today. Normally I would turn on my laptop when I let the dogs out to go potty, but I just didn't feel like it today. First of all, it didn't help that Parker and Daisy woke me up at 2:54AM. That's almost an hour earlier than usual. I finally got out of bed right at 5:35AM and started my day.

We really didn't do much all weekend. We've been pretty lazy. I left work very late on Saturday night and met Kelly & Johnny at WW Peppers for a late dinner. Johnny and I shared the Steak and Shrimp, with Kelly just ordering the Shrimp. We've been eating at WW Peppers for ten years now and it is my favorite place to eat. Their Chimichangas are to die for and they make the best steak in town. A little pricey on steaks, but overall a good value.

Sunday was a hum-drum day, with our day not even starting until almost 11:00AM! Robert and Debbie weren't around for breakfast, so the three of us decided to be bums. I managed to finally cut down the weeds out back. They were getting out of control (some as tall as 48" tall). Afterwards, we ran off to Chili's to meet Sister Kelly for an early lunch. Sissy's doing well for herself. Kelly looks like she's about 9 years preggo. But, her spirits were high and delighted us with some good conversation. Dirk was working, so Sissy was riding solo.

After lunch and a short trip to Target, I treated Kelly and Johnny to a quick 18 of miniature golf at Banana's. Unfortunately, and I hate to admit this, Kelly beat me by 7 strokes. I think she was cheating. Actually, although putting is my strongest part of the game, I'm horrible at miniature golf. I have a wonderful putter that I've grown accustomed over the years and placing a rubber putter from Banana's in my hands just doesn't work for me. Now, if I could bring along my putter, I could rule the miniature course!

Speaking of putters...We did take a quick trip to Gene Taylor's Sporting Goods to look at backpacks for Johnny. So, while Johnny and Kelly looked downstairs, I made my way to the golf section. They have Ping Putters on clearance for $29.99. That's $70.00 off! I'm heading back on Thursday to pick one up, as well as a Taylormade 62 degree Gap/Lob Wedge ($49.99).

Anyway...back to work I go. I have a couple of appointments to tend to this morning, with a conference call at 1:00PM with the Insignia Group. I also have to give Erika Jones at a call. We're expanding our contract, so I have to get that all finalized. We pay them a shit-pot of money per month and now we're going up another $6,200/mos. That's $91,200 a year! Right now, as it stands, our R.O.I. is breaking even at that number. Needless to say, our profits must increase at 62% to see the R.O.I. that we're getting now. 10-12% increase is manageable. 62% in unrealistic.
Have a great day.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Week in Review

This Explains it All

Dick Move of the Week

Busy Weekend

I have a very busy weekend ahead of me, so I'll keep this post very short. Enjoy the week in photographs.

Johnny with his camera.

Kenny and Mike watching TV

Kiki at Porter's wedding

Macy at Porter's wedding

Pre-Dentist visit

During the Dentist visit

Post-Dentist visit

Feelin' Better

Fish Tank