Friday, August 15, 2008

New Photos

Sorry, Folks...I've been absolutely swamped with work, so no time write. So, here are a few new photographs for you to enjoy.

Sister Tammie

Traffic into Denver

Mommy and Johnny on the Spider

Mommy and Johnny again

Johnny and Mommy on the Thunder Bolt

Fruit Loops...Breakfast of Champions


Chicken Noodle does a body good

The Wampler Family on the Tilt-a-Whirl

Soak and Wet

Holy Crap! Click on the'll see that Kelly and Johnny are up front

1 comment:

Mollie Corbett Photography said...

All I can figure is that it was hot enough to warrant getting that wet in jeans and, God, I hope it was the last thing you guys did...cause I remember riding a water ride at a theme park once at mid-day in autumn. Not only was I freezing, but, because I wore jeans, I nearly sawed myself in half!