Thursday, August 21, 2008


I've had a lot of influences in my lifetime. Some of these influences would mold me into the person I am today. My stubbornness comes from my father. No argument about that. Maybe my ability to "rock the boat" comes from him, too. Who knows? A large part of Me was shaped by my father. I get an awful lot from him. Maybe too much?

In an earlier post, I had mentioned that I had received an e-mail from my Drama/Speech teacher. I had also mentioned the name "Pat Hernandez" as being an influence in my life. Before I send her a quick e-mail, I figured I would tell you all about her.

Pat Hernandez molded my spiritual person. She was (is) very religious. There's nothing wrong with that. I, myself, am not a very religious person. Agnostic? Probably so. But, religious? Probably not. I do pray every night. This might be surprising to most of you. To whom, I do not know. I don't start my prayers, "Dear God...". If anything, my prayers are largely daily affirmations.

Back to Pat Hernandez...

Pat Hernandez taught Art and English at MacArthur High School. She has a very special place in my heart. To this day, as mentioned above, I do believe that I am the person today partly because of her. She had a difficult task in molding the lives of young people. Don't get me wrong...some of the students loved her classes. I did. Most of her students hated them. Who gives a shit about Walden and a blade of grass? Quite honestly, poetry bores me to death. However, to this day, one of my favorite books is one that Pat encouraged me to read. For you learned folk out there, I'll give you a hint:

A man, possessed by greed, will give up everything to have something that he would eventually throw back into the sea. The book is about greed and how it will destroy you. The protagonist (Kino) will give up his wife (Juana). His child (some Spanish kid) will be killed. His life will be destroyed. And, all for a obsidion-colored item that will garner him nothing. Any ideas? John Steinbeck would write this novel in 1947. This book will rank #2 in my All-Time Favorites.

(My #1 novel of all-time will take place in Dresdan, Germany. John Erwin, my father, and Kelly will figure this one out)

Back to Pat Hernandez...

I would learn to master the art of Silk-Screening from Pat Hernandez. Sure, some t-shirt shops use this technology...but this Art would eventually lead me to where I am today. This Art would land me my first real job. All of the hours that Pat and I would spend under the stairs, burning a screen, would lead me to a career twenty years later. Sounds silly, huh?

At the back of the MHS's Art room would be a cubby under the stairs. This cubby would measure maybe 4 foot wide and 8 foot long. We would pour the emulsion and turn on the ultra-violet light, crossing our fingers that we could draw a squeegee across the screen. 12 minutes later, we would try it out. I bet I was under the stairs with Pat for over a 1,000 in three years time! Under the stairs (and, waiting for the emulsion to dry), we would talk about life and God. Is there a God? Pat believed so. She believed wholeheartedly. I'm not sure if it's name is God, but I believe there is something out there. She would devout so much energy into her beliefs that there must be something out there. Why else would she believe? Maybe there is. Or, maybe there isn't. A lot of kids would think she was a crack-pot. I loved Pat and would hang on every word that she said.

I've learned one thing in my 36 years of life and that is that you must strive to be a good person. Jesus Christ did. Now, I'm not too sure if he was a real man, but he tried to be a good person and he believed that you should do unto others as you would want them to do unto to you (a book would be written about him). This much is common sense. His philosophy is easy to understand and comprehend. You don't have to be religious to understand this. I strive very hard to be a good person every day.

I am not a religious person. Although I've read the Bible, I do believe it is all "stories" and nothing more. The teachings of Jesus are what a person should strive for. You don't have to give him credit. Nobody will fault you. Whether you know his name or not, the Golden Rule is a good rule to live by.

Back to Pat Hernandez...

Pat Hernandez wanted her students to live by this Rule. She preached It every day. Pat wouldn't always mention His name, but she preached it and lived by it. She's a good person. We should all be strive to be good people. We should strive to help one another out. Lend a helping hand, so to speak...without any thought of receiving anything in return. This is very hard to do. I should know. I can be a real asshole sometime. I can be incredibly generous, too. Not very often, but I can. I have.

Pat also taught Shakespeare. Lesson learned: Don't trust anyone named Brute'. Or, Marcus or Brutus, for that matter. And, never trust the Roman Council! They're all back-stabbers!

Welcome to JWOMP, Mrs. Hernandez. We welcome you with open arms and a open heart.

1 comment:

Mollie Corbett Photography said...

Wow. It's been a long time since I read it. I almost didn't remember The Pearl. Something about the name Juana jarred my memory. I always remember the women in books I read.

Good stuff.