Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday Morning

Well, it's another busy Monday. I started work a little late today. Normally I would turn on my laptop when I let the dogs out to go potty, but I just didn't feel like it today. First of all, it didn't help that Parker and Daisy woke me up at 2:54AM. That's almost an hour earlier than usual. I finally got out of bed right at 5:35AM and started my day.

We really didn't do much all weekend. We've been pretty lazy. I left work very late on Saturday night and met Kelly & Johnny at WW Peppers for a late dinner. Johnny and I shared the Steak and Shrimp, with Kelly just ordering the Shrimp. We've been eating at WW Peppers for ten years now and it is my favorite place to eat. Their Chimichangas are to die for and they make the best steak in town. A little pricey on steaks, but overall a good value.

Sunday was a hum-drum day, with our day not even starting until almost 11:00AM! Robert and Debbie weren't around for breakfast, so the three of us decided to be bums. I managed to finally cut down the weeds out back. They were getting out of control (some as tall as 48" tall). Afterwards, we ran off to Chili's to meet Sister Kelly for an early lunch. Sissy's doing well for herself. Kelly looks like she's about 9 years preggo. But, her spirits were high and delighted us with some good conversation. Dirk was working, so Sissy was riding solo.

After lunch and a short trip to Target, I treated Kelly and Johnny to a quick 18 of miniature golf at Banana's. Unfortunately, and I hate to admit this, Kelly beat me by 7 strokes. I think she was cheating. Actually, although putting is my strongest part of the game, I'm horrible at miniature golf. I have a wonderful putter that I've grown accustomed over the years and placing a rubber putter from Banana's in my hands just doesn't work for me. Now, if I could bring along my putter, I could rule the miniature course!

Speaking of putters...We did take a quick trip to Gene Taylor's Sporting Goods to look at backpacks for Johnny. So, while Johnny and Kelly looked downstairs, I made my way to the golf section. They have Ping Putters on clearance for $29.99. That's $70.00 off! I'm heading back on Thursday to pick one up, as well as a Taylormade 62 degree Gap/Lob Wedge ($49.99).

Anyway...back to work I go. I have a couple of appointments to tend to this morning, with a conference call at 1:00PM with the Insignia Group. I also have to give Erika Jones at a call. We're expanding our contract, so I have to get that all finalized. We pay them a shit-pot of money per month and now we're going up another $6,200/mos. That's $91,200 a year! Right now, as it stands, our R.O.I. is breaking even at that number. Needless to say, our profits must increase at 62% to see the R.O.I. that we're getting now. 10-12% increase is manageable. 62% in unrealistic.
Have a great day.

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