Friday, September 5, 2008

A Lazy Thursday Afternoon

Well, I spent the afternoon hanging out by my lonesome. As usual, my Uncle Jim backed out of our Thursday golf game. He is yet to play golf with me. Uncle Jim's been completely consumed by his new home in Fruita, so I don't blame him. I'll tell you what...I did learn how fast one can get through 18 holes with dragging a 6 year old in tow.

Senior Citizens holding me up on #9

What a drive on #16...I would finish with a birdie

After golf, I would go over to Sissy Kelly's house for dinner. Dad's in town for a few days, so we ordered take-out Chinese. I'm not a big fan of Chinese food, so I played with Baby Zoe while everyone ate dinner.

Remember the final scene of "Gladiator"?

When Johnny was a baby, he would smile for no reason whatsoever. He would do this in his sleep. I would spend hours with a camcorder, filming him as he slept, trying to capture his smile.

Dreaming of donuts

I plan on taking a few days off, to spend some time with Daddio. I think we have a few days of fishing planned. I am yet to speak with him today, so who knows what the plan is. I'd like to hit the Gunnison or Colorado River. I've been dying to fish outside of Gypsum. Every time we drive by on our way to Denver, I kick myself for not bringing my fly rod along. I do believe that Uncle Jim is tagging along. He hasn't fished all year. Ever since Dad moved away, neither myself or Uncle Jim fish much. Dad was pretty much the only person I ever fished with. Once Johnny is older, I plan on teaching him how to fish the rivers. He's still too young and small to wade out in the water. The Colorado River is far too fast and deep for a 6 year old.

More to come after the weekend.

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