Well, do I really need to let you know how my week has gone? I bet you can guess...I've been incredibly busy. But, when am I not busy? After taking a few days off with Dad's visit, I found myself four days behind, with twice as much work to do (Gilmer had to go out of town for a few days). Here it is, a week later, and I'm now just getting caught up! Whew!
And, of course, this week is already flying by and I still have a mountain of work to plough through. So, with that said, we're just going to post photos of my "Week in Review".
Haven't shaved in four days...lookin' a bit rough.

Half-way through

Sqeaky Clean

On my way to the office. Man, I love Sweater Vests!

Ah, shit...look at this work load! I count 3 cups of coffee.

Late night dinner...a cold beer, waiting for my take-out.
If you've never eaten the Works Burger at Weaver's, you're missing out. The Best burger in town.

Hilarious photograph that Dirk gave me.

Pesky fly on my newspaper!

Mandy cutting Kelly's hair.

Fresh Haircut and lookin' hot!

Quick nose-pick before Swim Lessons start.

Lookin' tired after swimming for 30 minutes. That's tough work!
(a few staff meetings in between)

On my way to meet Johnny and Robert for 18 holes

Johnny and Daddy enjoying a moment

Robert shanked this one. Where'd the ball go?

Daddy and Johnny enjoying another moment

Man, we're two good looking guys!

Johnny's new Driver Sock

What a nasty shot...I would Bogey this hole

Chocolate cookies always taste better on the Golf Course

Missed a few spots cleaning his face

I shock myself with how good looking I am.

Ethan's Birthday Gift (The Broncos won Sunday)
1 comment:
Welp, nothing wrong with your self-esteem! LOL. Kelly's hair looks great, and those eyes! Hubba hubba. It's so funny to me to see Robert playing golf. This is not the image in my mind when Charlie tells me stories of Robert and Charles driving around on mountain tops with a beer in hand and a bunch o' rug rats in the open truck bed! HA!
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