Zoe Mary Clingman was born on August 30, 2008 at 3:53AM. She weighed 6 pounds and 7.9 ounces.
Uncie John and Zoe...she's a cutie.

After a nice bath

Smiling at Uncie John
Another great day of golf. As promised, as long as Johnny cleaned his room, I would take him golfing. We played 18 at Chipeta and had a great time. Johnny's game was a little off and he had a hard time from the tee-box.
I'll tell you what, the boy can still put and his chip-shot will rival most golfers. I tell him all time...If you can putt and chip, you'll always win games.
Grandpa tagged along, although he probably should have stayed at home. He's been feeling pretty shitty lately. Kelly's convinced he has a summer cold/flu, but Robert's pretty sure that it's a sinus infection. This illness didn't seem to hinder his golf game. Matter of fact, Robert beat me by 5 strokes (one of the worst games I've played in a long time.
Anyway...it was fun. I hate to lose, but had fun nonetheless. Hopefully the weather will hold up on Thursday so I can play again. And, of course, there's always Sunday. Maybe Kelly will come along this time?
My BFF Mollie posted this video on her space and I was just blown away. I had never seen the video and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I. Grizzly Man should have befriended lions.
Well, hell...if not one video, why not another. This is Johnny's 2007 Year in Review. Enjoy.
Johnny and I normally produce our newsletter on a monthly basis. However, this year has been a stretch to get one out. The video is so time consuming. Not only is it hard to come up with enough material to fill 7-10 minutes, but the editing takes forever! The video above took two whole weeks to edit down from over two hours to 7.5 minutes. But, alas, we're still pounding away to get another one out by Christmas. Until then...
Shannon Zura and Bert Ballou 1995
Shannon Zura, as you all very well know, currently works at the University of Southern Maine as a professor of Stage/Lighting design. Shannon's a great gal...at least she used to be. I have to imagine she still is. Shannon was as genuine as anyone could be. No frills. No bull-shit. What you see is what you get. Shannon and I attended college together. We studied Theatre Arts together.
Johnny's first trip to Elitch Gardens
Johnny with his camera.
Kiki at Porter's wedding
Macy at Porter's wedding
Pre-Dentist visit
During the Dentist visit
Post-Dentist visit
Feelin' Better
Fish Tank