Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Blast from the Past

Why, good evening, Sports Fans!

I received a jolt of excitement this evening when I learned that I had mail in my MySpace account. Guess who sent me a short note?

Mrs. Dirickson from MacArthur High School. Who would have thunk it?

For those of you not familiar with Mrs. Dirickson, you have to understand that she molded the minds and personalities of half of the people reading this. For those of you who do know Mrs. D, I have to imagine that you agree with me. The last two years of high school would have been a complete hell if it weren't for her classes. Mrs. Dirickson was one of three individuals that would mold me into the fine young man that I would become (Pat Hernandez and John Erwin would be the other two).

Well, damn it! With this new re-acquaintance, I'm going to have to drag out the old photo albums to post photographs again.

Anyway...more to come tomorrow. Johnny starts 1st grade tomorrow, so I'm sure that I'll have plenty to write in the morning. Plus, it's another dreaded Monday morning and I'm running the show. Thank God I wasn't invited to attend the August Composite Meetings! I feel sorry for Clint...I'm more than certain he'll get his shit kicked in...again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're fucking welcome for the mail. I told her about my douchebag siblings and where she could find their profiles.

i'm so awesome