Sunday, August 24, 2008

Computer's Acting Funny

My computer is acting funny this morning, so I'm posting via Blackberry.

Kelly and Johnny are at breakfast with her parents. They normally meet every Sunday. This is my opportunity to rest, get some work done, and run my Sunday reports.

Sunday Calender:

1. Let the dogs out and went back to bed (3:37am)
2. Woke up and sat outside with Kelly. We drank coffee on the porch, while the dogs ate their piggy ears.
3. Kelly left for breakfast at 8:00am. Johnny stayed the night at grandma and grandpa's. They're eating at Pufferbelly's. This is their Sunday ritual.
4. Ran my Sunday morning reports for my staff and typed a quick e-mail to Pat Hernandez (my lap-top crapped out, so I hope Pat received my e-mail).
5. Johnny has to clean his room. He's been grounded for the last ten days, so if he does a good job, I'll take him golfing with me today. Kelly and I decided ten days of being grounded was enough for a 6 year old.
6. Kelly and Sissy Kelly are supposed to meet for Lunch and run to Sam's Club. We need dog food and other odds-and-ends.
7. Laundry!!!
8. Loaf on the couch and maybe get in a quick nap.
9. Build on-line ads for Jacob and Saturn.
10. Prepare notes for Monday morning Manager Meeting.
11. I'm sure something else will come up.

My memory is getting pretty bad these days. If I don't build a calender, I tend to forget everything I need to do.

I do need to write my father an e-mail and try to pin-point when he's visiting. I haven't used any vacation this year, so I plan to take some time off to get in some fishing while he's in town. I haven't seen my father in a year and 4 months. I miss him.

Well, shit...time to try jump-starting my lap-top again. I think my calender is going to have to add "buy new lap-top". Yet another expense, in a time when we're trying to cut them down to a minimum. GM's down 9.5 bollion dollars for the year...what's another $1,000?

Have a good day, sports fans.

Photos of Johnny's major ass-kicking in golf to come later today.

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