Good morning, Folks --
It's been a few days since I last wrote anything. I've been out of town and still trying to play catch up. Leaving work for a few days, although refreshing, is a headache upon return.
Some of you may know, Kelly and I took Johnny to Denver for a few days before school starts. For those of you reading my mobile journal on Facebook, you know that I absolutely hated it! I was completely miserable for the entire trip. Don't get me had nothing to do with getting out of town. Johnny was impossible!
Johnny is now 6 years old and stands right 52 inches tall. This is the minimum height requirement for all of the "Big Boy" rides at Elitch Gardens. Well, now that Johnny is a "Big Boy", why not ride the "Big Boy" rides? He's been looking forward to this trip now for three weeks. In a nut-shell, he whined and cried the entire trip. Every ride scared him. Even the small ones! Other than the fact that I had the opportunity to see Sister Tammie and Cody, this trip was a complete waste of $500!
Note to self: Do not plan another trip like this without Austin or Robert.
Walking into the office on Tuesday was a nightmare. I left Gilmer a list of work that needed to get done while I was gone. I was relying on him to get this list of To-Do's done so I wouldn't have to return to a mountain of shit. Can you believe it? Not a fucking item was completed! So, what to do? What to do? It was my intention to fire him yesterday, but decided against it. I had a very long discussion with him yesterday and made it very clear that if things don't change (and, fast) that he's going to have to find another career. I did this job for six years by myself and I can do it again. I don't want to, but I will. So, as usual, I went in to the office at 7:15AM yesterday only to get home at 9:00PM. Another day. Another dollar.

I still speak to Samantha's mother quite least once a month. Although our relationship started off a little rocky, it would eventually evolve into a mother-son relationship. To this day, I still love her as if she were my very own mother. Juanita Brown is her name. She has been widowed twice now. I knew her when she was still married to Joe Miller and General Charles P. Brown. Both men are now dead. Juanita now lives on her own in General Brown's home.
Juanita Miller is a wonderful woman. She's a holy-roller, but I don't fault her for her beliefs. I find a little comical. She's the only person I've ever met that has a birthday party on Christmas Day for Jesus Christ. She's very active with her church, attending twice on Sunday and a visit on Wednesday. "John, has you found a nice church for your family yet," she asks me on every phone call.
Grandma, or Willie as she's known by her friends, is about to celebrate her 98th birthday. God love the woman. She's a hoot and strong as a ox. You'd think she was only twenty-one. So full of life and love. Also a holy-roller. Again, I do not fault her in her beliefs.
I will love the two of these women for as long as I live.
Thursday Update:
Johnny and I will be spending the day at home. He's been a pretty bad boy for the last 48 hours. Mommy finally lost her cool last night and went crazy. I did, too. Until last night, I bet it's been at least three years since Johnny received a spanking. Kids will be kids. Being disrespectful to his mother or grandmother will not be tolerated. So, because of last night's actions, Johnny will be spending the day cleaning his toys and room. No playing. No golf. No Banana's.
Kelly's taking it pretty hard. I understand that she's upset and frustrated. Being a mommy isn't easy. And, me being away from home so often doesn't help her situation either. So, needless to say, I will be getting some much-needed yard work done.
Here's my itinerary for the day:
Yard Work
Oil Change for Kelly's Car
Hair Cut at 2:30PM
Oil Change for Kelly's Car
Hair Cut at 2:30PM
More Yard Work
Have a wonderful day.
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