The photograph above is of my Sister Tammie and her husband Cody. Tammie's probably the funniest person that I know. She's five years younger than I. I have no idea why I'm telling you any of this since everyone reading this already knows Tammie.
Tammie had sent me an e-mail yesterday stating, "what does your wife think of your blog? Um...it seems like you're fascinated with Mollie & Sammi than Kelly! I'd tone it down, dude...definitely tone it down". Samantha Miller is the oldest friend I have. I've known her for almost twenty years now. I still talk to her from time to time and we share an awful lot of fond memories. As for Mollie, we have a lot in common and I speak to her once a week. Kelly is aware of our relationships and understands that we're friends and nothing more.
Okay...back to today's activities.
Now, after a long day yesterday, I managed to finally get a good night's rest. I haven't slept-in for a long time. I think I went to bed at about 10:00PM last night and woke up at 6:45 this morning. Oh, by the way, Parker shit on Johnny's floor as I slept (Note to self: get the dogs out of the house at 3:30AM).
Another long day in the office. My assistant Matt Gilmer is taking the day off to spend some time with his younger sister. She's visiting from North Carolina. Nice gal. I met her on Saturday night when I was picking up the puppies to deliver in Salida (long story). He's entitled to his time with the family, but shit, it makes my job difficult. Granted, I handled the office by myself for 5 years, but it's grown out of control for just one person. It's a good thing that he's only gone for two days this week. I'd pull my hair out otherwise.
Well, hell...I better get to work. I have a mountain of paperwork I need to get through. Below are a few photographs I thought you would enjoy.

Photograph of frog on Mollie's window
Today's work load
Today's "TO DO" List
This morning, taking Johnny to Summer Camp
Leaving Johnny's Summer Camp
Jackson (Mollie's son) at Lunch on Sunday
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