
Thank you to the fine folks of Chipeta Golf Course for providing the box of Band-Aids for Kelly and Austin's massive ass kicking.

Austin driving the ball on #2
After the blood bath, Kelly and I treated the boys to Fiesta for dinner.

Johnny and Austin at Fiesta

I really can't stand Mexican Food

Mike and Becky Porter...the newlyweds
I have to cover Matt's job for the next two days, as well as worry about coverage on the floor and my own job. Again, I am stuck with my job and everyone else's. Some people say it's confidence in my ability to assist in other departments...I call it a curse. When I was hired, I was trained in every aspect of day-to-day operations of this company. I am able to fill in for every department. If Mark's gone, I can place orders. If Matt's gone, I can pencil the desk. If Scott or Seth's gone, I can cover the Finance Office. That's not fair for me to complain. This company has been very good to me and my family. I've said it once before and I will say it again...that's why they pay me the big bucks.
I would get in the office right at 6:30AM and hope that I can get out of here by 6:00PM. Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw me get out of the office on time? I would leave the office at 7:45PM, just to miss the entire wedding. We stuck around the reception for about an hour. Seth, Gilmer and I (wives included) would end up at Dolce Vita at 8:30PM and close the place down.

Before we were kicked out

Karen and Kelly

We had a lot of fun. Just to start all over again on Monday.
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