The dogs woke me up pretty early this morning. After working for two hours, I finally got Kelly out of bed at 5:00AM for her morning walk. Kelly took Parker for the first time today...normally it would only be Daisy. I guess the walk was a bit much for Parker. Two miles out, two miles in. Sure the puppy has lots of energy, but two miles of straight walking was way too much. I guess Kelly had to carry Parker for the second half. Parker was so pooped this morning after his walk that he barely had the energy to harass Daisy.
We did have some family plans made for the day, but that idea has been shot down. Kelly had taken the day off to spend some time with Johnny and I, but has been called in to work. I guess Mayor Palmer didn't take into account when he made out schedules that he had absolutely no coverage for lunches! Our plans today consisted of the Mesa County Fair and a round of golf. Sound easy enough to accomplish? Well, Kelly also scheduled a haircut for herself, Daisy to the groomers, and Parker to the vet. So, here's the plan: Johnny and I are going to loaf, watch movies, go to the Fair, pick Parker and Daisy up, pick Austin up at 4:00PM and meet Kelly at the golf course later in the evening (twilight rates after 3:30PM).
This morning...the sun's breaking the horizon
I mentioned "picking Austin up"...Austin is Johnny's older cousin. He's now ten years old. What a great kid. Sure, like most pre-teens, he's an absolute mess and full of problems. But, at heart, he's a good kid and means no harm. I love Austin as if he were my own son. I watched the kid grow up.
His father doesn't take him golfing...or play baseball with him...or take him fishing...or...or...well, shit, his father doesn't do anything with Austin. Austin's situation with his father is a sore spot with me. Jason, Kelly's brother and Austin's dad, is a horrible father. Sure, that's my opinion, but he is. The man does absolutely nothing with his children. His new wife is just as bad. That's a shame because he has two wonderful kids and a spoiled little bitch. My father spent so little time at home when I was a kid, but at least he made an effort to do something with his kids (my dad hates crowds and would force himself to take his kids to Disney Land).
Jason has no idea what he's missing out on. Austin's the most athletic person I know. Some people just have that gift. The kid plays basketball, baseball, and could be the next Tiger Woods (12 over from the reds). The poor kid is just dying for some attention from his father. One of these days, Jason's going to wake up and realize that his kids are all grown up and they've learned to hate their father.
Well, hell...time to sit back with Johnny and watch a movie. We're doing Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (it's #3 on my all-time list). More to come this evening.
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