I recently decided that I was no longer going to send out "Womp's Update" and invited all of my old friends to jwomp. For those of you that currently read the daily blog, I would like to introduce you to some old chums.

SAMANTHA J. MILLER - You already know a little about Samantha. She's my oldest friend. As I posted earlier in the month, she just recently took on a position at the University of Idaho. Samantha and I both attended high school and college together. She holds an MFA from SMU and has worked in every aspect of the professional theatre. She has spent the last year teaching young professionals at Cameron University in Lawton, Oklahoma.

CHRISTY STORCK (STAHL) - Christy is another old friend that I've known for 17 years now. We met each other in high school and, like Samantha, even attended the same college. She has an amazing singing voice. We had a lot of fun in our crazy college days. Christy currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia with her two sons and husband.

TANJA RICE - Tanja lived four houses down from me in high school. I remember her being very quite as a young lady. Although she just lived down the street, Tanja and I were not friends in our high school years. I was a senior when she was a sophomore. We would eventually become friends in college. We were both Theatre majors and would go on to work together during a few productions. Tanja and I were also roommates at one time. If I remember correctly, we were the only two straight people in that entire house! I've always thought that Tanja is the prettiest gal on the face of the planet. Tanja is a pretty successful Folk Singer in the UK, with all of her upcoming shows already selling out. I've listened to her music on MySpace. You'll have to check it out.

REGGIE CHOQUETTE - Reggie's the wildest and craziest guy I know (or, knew). Although it's been years since I last saw Reg, he's still a very good friend of mine. We've gone through some pretty hard times together. We're both pretty bad about writing or calling. Matter of fact, it seems as if I only call him when I'm out of town. Reg has had a pretty tough last two years. He is now divorced and living in Tennessee.

JIMMIE-KAY WETMORE (ARCHER) - I'm still not too sure how I ever became friends with Jimmie-Kay. She is quite honestly one of the nicest people I've ever met. Why the hell would anyone so kind be friends with me? Come on, lets face it...I'm such an asshole and incredibly conceited (I can admit it). Jimmie-Kay attended college together for a very short time. I only recently was reunited with her through Samantha. Jimmie-Kay resides in Oklahoma with her husband (Kevin) and children. I attended their wedding.

JOHN ADAMS - I think I've known John as long as Samantha. Matter of fact, I think I've known John Adams longer than I've known Samantha. We attended high school together. We were in Pat Hernandez's art class together. Once he graduated, I never saw or heard from him for 17 years. I was ecstatic when I cam across him on the Internet. In school, he was known by all of the band nerds as "John-G". John currently resides in Dallas, Texas (?) and works as a graphic designer.
SHANNON ZURA - Shannon's one of the most incredible people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She's truly unique. He you have a gal that the world told "You Can't". She fights through every roadblock ever put in front of her and screams at the world, "Yes I can!" I met Shannon in college. She was a computer major at the time. Over time, she would eventually cross over to the Dark Side, better known as the Theatre. It's been a long time since I've seen Shannon and I miss her. After graduating from Cameron University, she would go on to earn an MFA from Temple University. Shannon currently resides in Maine and teaches at the University of Southern Maine.
TRACY DAVIS - I met Tracy at Samantha's church camp. Can you see me attending church camp? Anyway, I've known Tracy for 17 years now. Over the years, we've managed to stumble upon one another in one way or another. After high school, we would lose touch for a few years, only to run into one another through Allen Cutler. Again, several years later, over the Internet. Tracy resides in Oklahoma City and is currently pursuing an education in the medical field.
Hiya! Love the blog- I can keep up much better this way. Just got home from 7 weeks in Lawton. I have a lot of settling back in to do and then have to get the boys ready for a new school year. Blah. Miss and love ya!
Btw, thanks for the compliment. Next time mention my great rack, ok?
I wondered what had happened to you! Love the blog....and how you make me seem so "shiny"! Expecting to be in the Denver/Longmont area sometime this summer..would love to take you to dinner! Hope I live up to the hype!Oh and someday I'll send you a picture that is not 16 years old...wow that was a poofy dress. I thought it was so pretty at the time:-)
Hey John! I've only just found this..wow..i don't know about successful..i'm working, so that's good! We were indeed the only straight people in that house, excluding the times we were drinking! i have weird but strangely wonderful memories from that time!.. i'm hoping to have a few new demo tracks up in the next month or so.. Nice one of Shannon, describes her so well.. are you guys in contact? I would love to hear from her.. Tanja x P.S. i'm having my first child in May..
Hey there. It's been a long time since I have seen everyone but I just wanted to say "Hello All". I miss the great times and sadly the not so great times lol.
Crystal (Bird) Hayes
You can reach me by email at
I hope to be remembered by someone hehehe!
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